

About us

Common information about our educational institution


Our mission

«To educate professional staff and technical personnel according to modern realities in collaboration with employers for modern Moscow-city»

General information

College of Communications #54 is State budget educational institiution of secondary vocational education. Our head is Deparment of Education of Moscow-city.

College was founded in 2005 like a new institution based of four blue-collars schools. In 2012 College of Aviation technoologies became a part of College of Communications #54. In 2013 College of Cadastre and Buildings #1 and College of Automations and Radio-electronics #27 became parties of College of Communications #54 as well.

Nowadays College of Communications #54 consists of 10 buildings located in Moscow-city.

More than 20 modern curriculims are available for our students. Students can choose between telecommunications, postal communications, logistics, automation systems, security systems and technologies as well as between economics, urban cadastre science and so on.


Our staff, teachers and masters

The pricnipal of College is Ivan Pavluk, honored vocational education worker.
Nowadays our staff, teachers and masters are more than 600 persons, who have proper education level as well as some of them are PhDs.

Study language is Russian

We have:

  • 162 rooms for classes, 40 modern labs for practical education and 33 special equipped educational facilities,
  • 9 halls for sports and 5 sport gyms,
  • 9 libraries.


Some of our social partners we have collaboration with are: MGTS OJSC (Moscow Landline Phone Company), FGUP Moslift (Moscow Elevations), GUP Moscow underground system (Subway train company), Russian Post, Siemens Enterprise Communications (Unify Communications), Samsung Service Russia, National Instruments and Huawei.

Every student has a place to work after graduation.

Free WiFi is available around all Departments of College for students and our guests.


International collaborations

College collaborates with Samsung Russia Service and Samsung Eletronics (Korea) directly. Nowadays get ready special Technical Educational Center of Samsung Electronics.

College is certified Educational Center of Siemens Enterprise Communications (Germany) equipped with PBXes HiPath 3000, 1100 and OpenScape Office for small business.